Friday, December 10, 2010

Flesh Eating Bacteria More Condition_symptoms

"It Nowel!"

Ay ... contest "It Nowel!" is finished!

Thank you all for participating in mass (well, I do not need a bailiff but ultimately the better!) And I want to welcome the "new recruits": Welcome to Country from Here!

Thank you for telling me your worst cadalesques looses! I laughed! And somewhere here comforts me, I'm not alone in receiving gifts rotten! Or useful, it's up to ...

I notice a big trend is that the gift zero is often provided by a (an) ex (boyfriend, stepmother ... which proves that we have done well to make ex!) or sometimes even by a family member (if can no longer trust his own blood, where the world!) ... Finally, someone close to you who do not want the property!

While we, but it will never come to us the idea to offer a lousy gift ... never ...

Come on, I take all your kind words with me, something to do this ouikende, and announce the two winners on Monday!

With that, it's all for now.


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